Microsoft Excel® 2007 Training Course

Course Overview
After Excel 2003, Microsoft created the Office Ribbon, which drastically changed the way you navigate through Excel and all Office products. If you have Excel 2007 installed on your computer, you should take the Excel 2007 course. This course is a self-study course which allows you to learn at your speed, not an instructor's pace. It starts at a Beginning level and progresses through an Advanced level. The last chapter in the course is the Comprehensive Project that you do on your own, and when completed, you will earn a certificate as an Excel Master. The Comprehensive Project focuses on three primary topics throughout the course: PivotTables, the VLOOKUP() function, and nested IF() logic.
Once you purchase the course online, you will receive an email with your user name and password. You will use this user name and password to log in to the ExcelCEO system to download the practice file used in the course, and to take review tests and final exams at the end of each chapter. The successful completion of each chapter is required before progressing to the next chapter. All of the program material and testing procedures is contained in the course manual and on the ExcelCEO website. If you order the course manual, you should receive it within a week of placing the order. If you don't order a printed manual, you can work from a PDF version of the manual (we HIGHLY recommend ordering a printed manual as it contains 495 pages. We'll even ship it for free!). You start reading on Page 1 and do exactly what the manual tells you to do, and when you finish, you will be an EXCEL MASTER.
Course Prerequisites
Prerequisites for taking this ExcelCEO course include a basic knowledge of a Windows operating system, and knowing how to use the keyboard and mouse. Familiarity or prior experience with Excel is helpful, but not essential. The successful completion of each chapter is required before progressing to the next chapter.
The course is designed as a self study course, and will therefore have no required classes to attend. All of the program material and testing procedures is contained in the course manual and on the ExcelCEO website. If you are unsure of your skill level, you can take a free test by clicking on the Free Excel Test link at the top of this page. Please allow about an hour to take the exam, as it evaluates skills in the Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced levels.
Your Skill Evaluation
If you are unsure of your skill level, you can take a free test by clicking on the Free Test and Training link at the top of this page. Please allow about 30 minutes to an hour to take each test. You can take these free tests at the Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, and/or Comprehensive levels.
Our Products
Our ExcelCEO course is divided into three sections; Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced levels.
Special Offer
We would like to offer Chapter 1 of this Excel course for FREE!.